Saturday, April 5, 2014

My Top 10 of Why I Love Having A Little Girl

I love having a little girl for many reasons; so here are my top 10 reasons I am happy to be this little girl's mommy!

1. DISNEY MOVIES! Bella has brought me back to the wonderful world of Disney movies like Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Tinkerbell, Frozen, Tangled, and the many many more!

2. Out numbering Dad! My once very closed off husband has now resulted to being able to put B's hair in pig tails, watching girly Disney movies, and (here's the big one) talking about his feelings!

3. My dad has always said he raised me to survive in a "man's world." WAKE UP DAD! While all you boys were busy playing your video games, us "girls" have taken the world by storm. I am so happy to share that with my daughter. All of the obstacles I have faced in business as a young woman I am capable of showing her. I hope that one day she will see her mother as a fiercely independent woman because lets be honest women rule the world.

4. Sing alongs! My husband use to look at me like an idiot when I would sing along to Spotify, but now he has too look at both me and B like we are an idiot and trust me he's not about ready to cross the crazy toddler!

5. Seeing my stubborn self in her. Bella is very independent and very stubborn. While I get frustrated parenting such a strong willed child, I snicker inside thinking of the moment in my life that I felt just as she did.

6. Hair! Braids! Bows! Enough said!

7. Best of both worlds! We can wear pretty dresses or play in mud either way we are happy happy girls!

8. CLOTHES!!!!!! I LOVE buying Bella clothes...when I say love I mean deeply and madly in love with buying little girl clothes!

9. Matching! Oh my gosh! No one ever told me how fun it is to match your child! I'm insanely happy that brands like H&M and Boden carry corresponding outfits for mommy and daughter.

10. I absolutely relish in the thought that one day I will have a grown woman whom will be able to contribute to the world (fingers crossed I don't screw up along the way). I know that there are no limits to what she can accomplish, what she can become, and the glory she can bring God. Here's to seeing her grow!

P.S. Props to Jen Worrell for making me realize I needed to do a Top Ten List! ;)

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